Here is a short video tutorial that will cover one of the most important lessons any oil painting student needs to learn. How to translate real life into the language of oil paint.
A painting is a representation of real life. Most people have a very hard time because they see nature or real life, and want to just plop it down on their canvas or painting surface. This will not work. You only have little blobs of colored pastes that we call oil paint. Real life has nature’s laws. Oil paint has it’s own laws too. In fact knowing the laws of oil paint and how to use them to represent nature is a huge key in learning to paint well.
I go over this and many other techniques of painting in my virtual classroom
If you learn a simple procedure for translating real life into oil paint, you’ll never be so helpless before nature any more asking questions like…”what do I do next”
For more information on oil painting techniques...
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Ethan! You made my day with the tonal value brief video! Simple, clear and brilliant!
Thank you,
This was well explained, as I see it, and thank you for the courses I have purchased from you before. Good luck with your good lessons in oil painting.
Hallo Ethan,finally Iknow,what colours and values are,this was a very clear demonstration.